Black panther Star in shock after tasting a new kind of meat for the first time

Nyong’o started by getting her fans ready by declaring that she was going to “eat viper for the first time in my life,” giving the potentially unsettling meal a lighthearted feel.
She lifted the plate’s top to see perfectly cooked, golden brown chunks of meat surrounded by brightly coloured tomatoes.
That first fear appeared to dissipate as she said, “It doesn’t look as scary as I thought it would.”

When Nyong’o took the first bite, her surprise was obvious. She declared, “It tastes just like chicken!” “The texture is like chicken, the flesh is like chicken.”
Her original panic subsided and was replaced with a fresh admiration for the unusual food. But there was one thing that didn’t quite click with her. With a grin, she said, “I am not into the skin though.”
Among her fans, Nyong’o’s willingness to try new things piqued interest and encouraged dialogue. Her experience brings to light the world’s varied culinary environment and promotes an open mind to foods that are new to you.

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