Crystal Palace latest: shocking to hear what Roy Hodgson said about Olise and Eze injury latest that got club talking

Roy Hodgson conceded he should hold back to decide the seriousness of wounds that saw match-victors Michael Olise and Eberechi Eze subbed in Precious stone Castle’s 3-2 win over Sheffield Joined together.

Eze scored two times and Olise got two helps and an objective as Castle facilitated tension on supervisor Roy Hodgson. Their second triumph in 13 games lifted them to fourteenth in the Chief Association.
Olise was making his return in the wake of missing three games with a hamstring injury, however was supplanted on 67 minutes as a safety measure. Eze felt his hamstring after a run and fell off following 78 minutes.


“We’re holding back to see what the visualization is”, Hodgson said. “With any karma they’ll both be there [against Brighton]

“I think Michael is alright. With Eze, that was simply lamentable. It was a blasting run into the container and he began to feel his hamstring a little.”

Hodgson said of the couple’s singular exhibitions: “I was exceptionally satisfied with two things. The principal the initial 60-odd minutes that they were on together we looked great, posed a huge amount of inquiries. Be that as it may, Sheffield Joined together, full credit to them they scored two objectives.

“On the off chance that you take a gander at the wide range of various football clubs, even the ones up close to the highest point of the association, I think you’ll find they likewise flourish, for the most outstanding aspect, on a couple of their headliners.

It’s to be expected that a group needs that sort of imaginative ability to get everyone through.

“We’ve been laboring under the analysis that we’ve just won one in such countless games. That is valid, however those exhibitions were not useless exhibitions. I never trust that when you’re not winning you’re no benefit. I accept there’s a strength and quality in this gathering that will own us.”

Sheffield Joined administrator Chris More out of control added about Eze and Olise: “The quality those two young men have, you could see it illuminated Royal residence. I don’t know Dougie [Freedman] and Royal residence would acknowledge £50m for [either] of those young men. We might have finished with Olise having a couple of additional days off. Those young men can annihilate your course of action with individual brightness.”

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