Dwyane Wade on Shaquille O’Neal not picking Wilt in his top ten NBA Greats: ” probably cause he benched pressed 600lbs and Shaq could only lift 300lbs I don’t know.

Dwyane Wade Criticizes Shaquille O’Neal for Omitting Wilt Chamberlain from His NBA Top Greats

In the ever-evolving discourse of NBA legends and the ranking of all-time greats, recent comments by Shaquille O’Neal have sparked controversy, drawing sharp criticism from fellow Miami Heat legend Dwyane Wade. The discussion centers around O’Neal’s exclusion of Wilt Chamberlain from his list of NBA top greats, a decision that has not sat well with many basketball aficionados, including Wade.


Shaquille O’Neal, known for his dominant presence both on and off the court, has always been vocal about his opinions regarding the hierarchy of basketball legends. In a recent interview, O’Neal listed his top NBA greats, conspicuously omitting Wilt Chamberlain, a player often revered for his unparalleled statistical achievements and transformative impact on the game. This exclusion has led to a fervent debate within the basketball community.

Dwyane Wade, who shares a close bond with O’Neal from their time together winning an NBA championship with the Miami Heat in 2006, has openly criticized this omission. Wade, a student of the game with a deep appreciation for its history, took issue with O’Neal’s list, arguing that Wilt Chamberlain’s contributions to basketball are too significant to be ignored.


In a series of public comments, Wade articulated his perspective on why Chamberlain deserves a spot among the NBA’s top greats. Wade highlighted Chamberlain’s revolutionary impact on the game, noting his extraordinary scoring feats, including his iconic 100-point game, and his unmatched rebounding prowess. Chamberlain’s career averages of 30.1 points and 22.9 rebounds per game still stand as testaments to his dominance.

“Wilt redefined what it meant to be a big man in the NBA,” Wade remarked. “His records and the way he dominated the game in his era can’t be overlooked. To not include him is to ignore a fundamental part of basketball history.”


Wade’s criticism underscores a broader debate about how NBA greats are evaluated and ranked. The criteria often vary, with some emphasizing championship victories, others focusing on individual statistics, and still others considering the overall impact on the game. For Wade, Chamberlain’s statistical dominance and the way he altered the perception of what was possible on the basketball court make him an undeniable top-tier legend.

Wade also pointed out the importance of acknowledging the historical context of Chamberlain’s achievements. “It’s easy to get caught up in the present and recent past, but we have to remember and respect the giants on whose shoulders we stand. Wilt was one of those giants.

The exchange between Wade and O’Neal, while highlighting differing perspectives, also serves as a reminder of the richness of NBA history and the diverse criteria fans and players use to evaluate greatness. It reflects the passion that legends like Wade have for preserving and honoring the legacy of those who came before.

As the conversation continues, it is clear that the legacy of Wilt Chamberlain remains a point of contention and admiration within the basketball community. Wade’s defense of Chamberlain is a testament to his deep respect for the game’s history and his belief in recognizing those who have made indelible marks on the sport.

In the end, such debates only enrich the narrative of the NBA, inviting fans and players alike to engage with the game’s storied past and its ongoing evolution. Whether or not O’Neal reconsiders his list, Wade’s passionate defense ensures that Chamberlain’s legendary status remains firmly in the spotlight.

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