**”I’d Like to See Them Clean Up the Schedule” – Hurkacz’s Coach Craig Boynton on Changes He’d Like to See in Tennis, Alcaraz-Sinner, and More in…

**”I’d Like to See Them Clean Up the Schedule” – Hurkacz’s Coach Craig Boynton on Changes He’d Like to See in Tennis, Alcaraz-Sinner, and More in Exclusive Interview**



In an exclusive interview, Craig Boynton, coach of Polish tennis star Hubert Hurkacz, shared his insights on the current state of professional tennis, the burgeoning rivalry between Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner, and the changes he believes are necessary for the sport’s future. Known for his strategic acumen and extensive experience, Boynton’s perspective offers a unique look into the challenges and opportunities within tennis today.

### **Scheduling and Player Welfare**

One of Boynton’s primary concerns is the demanding schedule faced by professional players. “I’d like to see them clean up the schedule,” he said emphatically. Boynton highlighted the physical and mental toll that the current calendar imposes on athletes, stressing the need for a more balanced approach. “The season is incredibly long, and players have very little time to recover. It’s essential for the longevity of their careers and for maintaining a high level of performance,” he explained.

Boynton pointed out that the compressed schedule often leads to increased injuries and burnout, impacting not only the players but also the quality of the matches. He suggested a reevaluation of the tour calendar, advocating for longer breaks and a more logical flow of tournaments. “We need to prioritize player health and ensure that they have adequate recovery periods. This would not only benefit the players but also enhance the overall fan experience,” Boynton argued.

### **Alcaraz-Sinner Rivalry**

Turning his attention to the emerging rivalry between Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner, Boynton expressed excitement and optimism. “These two are phenomenal talents, and their matches are always thrilling. They represent the next generation of tennis, and it’s exciting to see how they push each other to new heights,” he remarked.

Boynton noted that both players possess unique attributes that make their matchups compelling. “Alcaraz has this incredible intensity and power, while Sinner brings a level of precision and tactical brilliance that’s rare at such a young age. Their contrasting styles make for fascinating encounters,” he observed.

Despite their youth, Boynton believes that Alcaraz and Sinner have already demonstrated a maturity beyond their years. “They play with the composure and intelligence of seasoned veterans, which is impressive. Watching them evolve and improve is a testament to their dedication and love for the game,” he said.

### **Development of Younger Players**

Boynton also touched on the importance of nurturing young talent within the sport. He emphasized the need for better support systems to help young players transition from junior to professional levels. “We need to invest in the development of young athletes, providing them with the resources and guidance they need to succeed. This includes better coaching, mental health support, and opportunities to compete at higher levels,” he asserted.

He called for a more holistic approach to player development, one that goes beyond just physical training. “Mental resilience and strategic thinking are crucial aspects of the game. Young players should be trained to handle the pressures of the professional circuit, which can be overwhelming,” Boynton added.

### **Technology and Innovation in Tennis**

Another area where Boynton sees potential for improvement is the integration of technology in tennis. He advocated for the use of advanced analytics and performance-tracking tools to enhance training and match preparation. “Technology can provide invaluable insights into player performance, helping coaches and athletes make data-driven decisions. This can lead to more effective training regimens and better in-game strategies,” he explained.

Boynton also mentioned the potential benefits of innovations like electronic line calling and other technological advancements that could improve the accuracy and fairness of officiating. “Embracing technology can help reduce human error and ensure that the focus remains on the players and their skills,” he said.

### **Conclusion**

Craig Boynton’s perspectives offer a comprehensive look at the current landscape of professional tennis and the changes he believes are necessary for its evolution. His call for a more balanced schedule, better support for young players, and the integration of technology highlights the need for a forward-thinking approach to the sport.

As coach to one of the game’s rising stars, Boynton’s insights carry significant weight. His emphasis on player welfare, the excitement surrounding new rivalries, and the importance of technological advancements reflect a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed at the highest levels of tennis. For fans and players alike, Boynton’s vision offers a hopeful glimpse into the future of the sport.

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