Kellyanne Conway, Barack obama political heavyweights what they said about Biden’s ‘awful’ debate performance

President Joe Biden’s recent debate performance has been met with significant criticism from both sides of the political spectrum. Key political figures have voiced their concerns and opinions on the matter.

Barack Obama , former President and Biden’s longtime ally, expressed disappointment in a private setting, highlighting Biden’s lack of vigor and sharpness during the debate, which he felt did not convey the strength needed for the upcoming election.

Kellyanne Conway , former counselor to President Trump, was vocal about Biden’s performance, describing it as “disastrous” and indicative of his inability to handle the pressures of the presidency. She emphasized that Biden’s struggle to articulate clear policy positions was a significant weakness.

Dick Cheney , former Vice President, bluntly stated that Biden’s debate performance showed he was not the type of leader who could effectively manage the challenges facing the country. He criticized Biden for seeming unprepared and lacking the energy required for a rigorous campaign.

Elizabeth Warren , Senator and former Democratic presidential candidate, pointed out that while Biden’s policies have merit, his presentation was lackluster. She urged the Democratic Party to rally behind a stronger and more dynamic candidate if they hope to retain the presidency.

Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas, seized the opportunity to criticize Biden, suggesting that his debate performance was a clear sign that he was unfit for office. Cruz’s remarks were part of a broader Republican narrative questioning Biden’s competency.

Nancy Pelosi  Speaker of the House, tried to mitigate the fallout by emphasizing Biden’s achievements during his term, but acknowledged that his debate performance was not his best and that there was room for improvement.

**John Kasich**, former Governor of Ohio and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, offered a more balanced perspective. He noted Biden’s struggles but also highlighted his long record of public service and suggested that debates are not always indicative of a candidate’s overall capabilities.

These varied responses underscore the challenges Biden faces as he seeks reelection. The debate performance has intensified discussions about his fitness for office and whether the Democratic Party should consider alternative candidates.

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