Larry Bird heartfull messages to boston Celtic after accomplishing his dying wish by hanging the 18th banner: “Despite my Old Age am f-king Pround i saw this and it wont….”

Larry Bird’s Heartfelt Message to Boston Celtics After Hanging the 18th Banner: “Despite My Old Age, I’m F-ing Proud I Saw This”

Boston, MA — In a moment that will forever be etched in the annals of basketball history, the Boston Celtics have hung their 18th championship banner in the rafters of TD Garden. This monumental achievement, celebrated by fans and players alike, carries an added layer of emotion thanks to the heartfelt message from one of the franchise’s most iconic figures, Larry Bird.

Larry Bird, a name synonymous with Celtics greatness, has been a cornerstone of the franchise’s illustrious past. Known for his incredible skill, fierce competitiveness, and indomitable spirit, Bird led the Celtics to three NBA championships during his playing career. Now, years after his retirement, Bird’s connection to the team remains as strong as ever.

In an emotional statement released following the Celtics’ victory, Bird expressed his overwhelming pride and gratitude for witnessing the team’s 18th championship. “Despite my old age, I’m f-ing proud I saw this,” Bird began, his words resonating with fans who have long revered him as the embodiment of Celtic pride.

Bird’s message continued, “It’s been a long journey, full of ups and downs, but moments like this make it all worth it. Watching these young men fight, scrap, and claw their way to the top reminds me of what it means to wear that green jersey. This team has brought back the grit and determination that defines Boston Celtics basketball.”

Bird’s poignant reflection on the team’s journey underscores the historical significance of this championship. The 18th banner not only symbolizes the team’s current success but also serves as a tribute to the legacy of past Celtics legends who paved the way. For Bird, this victory is a culmination of decades of hard work, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

“I’ve seen a lot of basketball in my time, but this group has something special,” Bird continued. “Their resilience, their heart, and their unyielding desire to win is something that can’t be taught. It’s something that’s ingrained in the very fabric of this franchise. They played with the same fire and passion that we did back in the day, and I couldn’t be prouder.”

The Celtics’ latest triumph has reinvigorated the city of Boston, bringing a renewed sense of hope and excitement to its passionate fanbase. The team’s journey to this championship was anything but easy, marked by challenges and adversities that only fueled their determination. Bird acknowledged this in his message, praising the team’s perseverance and the leadership of head coach Brad Stevens.

“Brad has done an incredible job molding these young men into champions. His vision, his strategy, and his ability to inspire have been crucial to this success. He’s carried forward the Celtics’ tradition of excellence, and for that, I am deeply grateful,” Bird stated.

Bird’s words also paid homage to the Celtics’ loyal fans, whose unwavering support has been a driving force behind the team’s success. “To the fans, you are the heart and soul of this team. Your energy, your passion, and your unwavering belief have pushed these players to greatness. This banner is for you as much as it is for the players. Thank you for keeping the spirit of the Celtics alive.”

As the 18th banner was hoisted to the rafters, the emotions in the arena were palpable. Tears of joy, cheers of triumph, and a profound sense of unity filled the air. For Larry Bird, this moment represents the culmination of a lifelong dedication to the game and to the Boston Celtics.


In closing, Bird’s message resonated with a simple yet powerful sentiment: “This is what it means to be a Celtic. This is what it means to be a champion. I am honored to have witnessed this historic achievement. Thank you, Boston. Thank you, Celtics. Despite my old age, I’m f-ing proud I saw this, and it won’t be the last.”

With these words, Larry Bird encapsulated the essence of Boston Celtics basketball, a legacy of greatness that will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations.

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